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Blog: Blog2
  • bourtondogtraining

What does your dog want? Part 3

Diva's Monthly Top 5

1. Swimming- A pure water baby, Obsessed with water and with that in mind I believe a dog should have a healthy outlet for their needs. Diva has a real need to swim and will actively seek water as much as she can... so why would I not give her swimming lessons? Diva was not always a water dog, she needed a lot of confidence building and encouragement to improve her skills but now look at her go! She would swim all day long if I let her. I also only go tho swimming pools that allow their owner in the pool with the dogs, as I want the activity to be connected to bonding with me as an owner.

2. A new bone- I have noticed that when Diva is quiet and keeping herself busy, she will take her bone and chew it. So I make sure I change the bone frequently, at least monthly so that she has purpose of chewing and does not get bored. A bored mali can equal destruction and giant holes in your sofa! So encouraging quiet well behaved moments can only improve your dogs life.

3. A new toy- This is normally because she has either destroyed the previous toy, or I have lost it. Either way, swapping up her toys prevents a lack of interest as well as stopping Diva from potentially being reluctant to give it up. I make sure that she has plenty of toys that she can hold and walk around with, toys that im happy to be left down and then thousands of toys that I can throw around in the garden and train with. This just makes life easier as well as makes Diva incredibly happy when she gets a delivery of balls!

4. Bath time - Most pups hate the bath, so just because this is Diva's top 5 does not mean your dog will enjoy them! But my beautiful girl, loves nothing more than to join me in a bath on a Friday evening, this is much to my reluctance as it is meant to relax me after a long week. However, once a month I try to spend some time cleaning Diva, grooming and drying her making it a really pleasurable experience. She particularly loves being blow dried outside on the front porch whilst she watches the cars go by on the road.

5. Competitions- The change on environment and the full attention she gets as well as the treats, presents and games that we have all become a pleasant experience for her. It also tests her knowledge and works her brain, so that she sleeps well all the way home. I would not compete, if Diva did not feel comfortable or did not enjoy what she did. I always get compliments on how full of life she is and how she could be toned down. The winning and qualifying is my pleasure out of it, I find Diva just loves showing off!

I could go on an on with this blog and how I make sure that Diva has a full life of enjoyment and feels fulfilled in her needs. I haven't mentioned the holidays that we take to the beach nor the visits to Liverpool! But less about Diva, can you now name your dog's Top 5 daily, weekly, monthly and yearly ? Also it should be noted that not once have I mentioned the company of other dogs... the reason I have a dog is to enjoy activities together and this would be a huge disappointment to find out her daily favourite activity is to play with the neighbour's dog!

A lot of owners that come to me with problems, if you analyse their relationship their dog's and look further into what their dog's favourite activities are they do not always include their owners. Simple changes such as sharing a few activities together a week can dramatically change both owner and dog's life for the better.

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